September events

Related Categories: Chris Brookmyre Posts, From the Author
Bloody Scotland Festival, Stirling
September 9th-11th. I am appearing with Mark Billingham on the Friday at 8:30 pm at the Albert Halls, then with Stuart Neville on the Saturday at 5:30. This later is contingent upon me surviving the Scotland v England crime writers match at 2:00.
Spirit of Moray Festival, Elgin.
Thursday September 15th, 8:00 pm at Elgin Library.
Three Lochs Festival
September 16-17, Sunart Centre, Strontian
Tidelines Book Festival
Saturday September 24, 7:30 pm, Harbour Arts Centre, Irvine.
Byres Road Book Festival
Sunday September 25, 4:00 pm, Hillhead Library.